Due Diligence Intensive Course 19-20-21.10.2021

After our lecture on September 18th as part of the Digital Legal Officer Certificate course, we are delighted to come back to the University of Liechtenstein to lecture during the upcoming Intensive Due Diligence course on 19-21th October 2021 organised in cooperation with the FMA – Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein and CLL Compliance Labs GmbH

This event is a recognised professional training and further education according to Art 21 SPG and Art 32 SPV as well as a certificate according to Art 36 SPV in the scope of 3 days.

A special thanks to PD Dr. Dimitrios LinardatosLehrstuhl für Bank- und Finanzmarktrecht ; Lehrstuhl für Gesellschafts-, Stiftungs- und Trustrecht
